Upcoming Series: Waiting

You’re personally invited to CrossWalk Church Sunday, November 29 at 9 or 11 a.m. as we kick off our new series, Waiting. No one likes to wait. A long line at the bank, the wrong traffic lane at the stoplight, a poor choice of checkout lanes at the supermarket -- all of us get aggravated when we're made to wait. But God's Old Testament people waited thousands of years for God to fulfill his promise, made to Adam and Eve, to send a Messiah to crush Satan and heal the world of sin. Today we wait for Jesus to fufill his promise that he will return in power to judge all mankind and take us home to our "mansion" in heaven. It's still hard for us to wait today for God to answer our prayers and watch over us, care for us, and help us when we pass through difficulties in life. But waiting is an important part of our faith's development. In this series we talk about the spiritual skills we build and the spiritual benefits we receive when we learn the skill of waiting, all while trusting God's words and promises.